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Front Porch Sanctuary


Flakes of oxide green paint

once uniformly coated the oversized front porch

now swirl in corners

and line each darkened edge

up to the threshold.

She sits on porch steps

holding mulberry tree branch

Stirring shavings, separating mounts

separated by size –

managing thoughts.

Removed from the crowd inside,

the porch steps offer protection

as she reflects –

reflects on complexity,


and sweetness.

Whitewashed slats shelter the heart

from seasonal swing

dustbowl heat of California summers,

wicked wind, and trembling rain

that follows through winter.

Her mind wanders.

Then focus’ to examine recently cleaned

no longer worn or dirty handrails –

Handrails that guide towards welcoming front stoop

and bright chartreuse mat.

Shiny new spindles

but somehow you missed – Missed coating the concrete.

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